Now Versus Never: Changing Our Fossilized Ways
A Call to Action: Energy Transformation, not just Transition, is needed NOW! […]
A Call to Action: Energy Transformation, not just Transition, is needed NOW! […]
Global urban adoption of Smart Surfaces would cost-effectively deliver a 15% CO2e emissions reduction and 5°F of city-wide cooling—with enormous co-benefits California is trying to solve multiple problems simultaneously: rising heat, inequality, clean air & water, and making cities and neighborhoods more resilient and sustainable As average temperatures rise, and storms grow more forceful, […]
Sustainable Silicon Valley is partnering with the national Smart Surfaces Coalition to help cities make “smart” surface decisions by demonstrating the value of common sense solutions that manage the sun and rain. By using Smart Surfaces where appropriate, cities around the world can reduce extreme summer heat by several degrees, stem flooding, combat climate change, […]