Money Saving Eco-Tip #5: Scrubbing Bubbles

Pretty much all you need for your sustainable cleaning challenges.

Instead of buying all kids of cleaning supplies, purchasing white vinegar and batch baking soda (and maybe one essential oil for scent) can act as most cleaning solutions when mixed in different proportions:
  • All-purpose – 1:1 parts White Vinegar to Water, with lemon/orange rinds or rosemary for scent
  • Window Cleaner – 1:1 parts White Vinegar and water, with scent optional
  • Drain Cleaner – 1:2 parts Baking Soda to White Vinegar
  • Grout or Tough Surface cleaner – 1:1 part paste of Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide. Sprinkle baking soda onto grout until it is covered, spray with hydrogen peroxide until it is wet, wait 10 minutes, scrub, and wipe clean.

The Grout/Tough Surface formula comes courtesy of Bren of the Brendid blog ( She set up and evaluated 10 different grout cleaning configurations so we don’t have to. Her winner (and our favorite) has only two ingredients and assures happy, scrubbing bubbledom. For those that want more on scenting, Bren also has that covered at


One last note for you big batch makers out there: if you are making large amounts of cleaners, it is helpful to stir your solutions every once in a while to prevent them from separating!


The Scrubbing Bubbles in action versus dirty grout.